Monday, October 11, 2010

Forget Science! I'm Donating My Body to Magic.

What: Fruit and Vegetable Detox Week

Where:  A Small College Town

Why: Because I Feel Like It, Gosh

Why #2: Because I'm Sick of Being Controlled by Junk Food Habits

Why #3: Because I Have the Consumptive Mentality of an Obese Person
Why #4: Really? Four reaons? That's just overkill. I think three is the standard amount for number of reasons. Not to mention number of tries, spells, years to wait until your destined lover shows up and such. pretty much anything magical. okay, also everything else under the sun. third time's the charm and all, you know.

When: From October 11th to October 17th. Mm hm. A full week. 
I'm almost positive there's something magical about a week. And hey, if it works, I may even go a full month, just so I can get the the power of the Moon involved. 
Yes, I did just capitalize the word Moon. Watch me, I'm italicizing the term Supernatural Lunar Forces as well. oohhoooh. it's a craaaaaaazy world.


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