Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mind Over Matter

So. Let it be known that the fruit and vegetable detox was an absolute FAIL.
Sorry to disappoint. I really wanted it to work. Unfortunately I discovered that I have no will power with that diet. Which is why I have to try this new thing! (But Rachel, you whine,if it didn't work last time, what's going to change this time?)
Well, I have decided to get to the root of the problem. Will Power.
Yes, will power. That's the basis of any addiction extermination plan, isn't it? alcoholism, drug addiction, sugar addiction? Thank my lucky stars I don't drink coffee; if I'm already addicted to chocolate, (I literally haven't gone a day without it in the last month) then the coffee demon would probably have possessed my body by now.
No mattah.
Starting fresh.
I am now embarking on a peppermint fast that will end after three days. Yes. a peppermint fast. As in, all I consume is water and peppermint tea. And, if I feel faint, I eat a cube of cheese.
Haha. Not.
That is, the cube of cheese part. I am not breaking down to that level. Nosiree, not me. If I feel that I cannot go another minute without some sort of sugar, I'll eat an apple. Got it covered.


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